Motivation tips: activities to stay motivated in old age

Motivation guideline

Motivation tips: activities to stay motivated in old age

As we know, old age is a stage of life in which the human being begins to experience changes, which are different for everyone, since each person has a unique way of aging, adapting, and accepting themselves.

During this period, the older adult finds himself with more free time, which leads him to reflect on his past and question the future. Having purposes and verifying for themselves that they are capable of carrying them out is a great motivation during old age.

This is why, within the search for challenges and objectives, social, sports, work or recreational activities are an excellent option because they considerably help to find meaning in life, increase vitality and encourage interest in continuing to achieve goals.

At Liv Up, we want to help you find one or more activities that give you motivation and allow you to have active and healthy aging:


Best motivation

Volunteering is an option that provides multiple benefits, especially mental and emotional since it helps them stay active, improves physical condition, avoids loneliness, and allows them to discover other realities. There are different programs to provide support, for example, the government has SENAMA’s “Volunteer Country for the Elderly” initiative, where volunteers provide socio-educational support so that vulnerable students improve their performance.


Always doing some sporting activity will help relieve anxiety, reduce depression and reduce stress, but it is important to feel committed to increasing the feeling of well-being. Swimming, entertaining dance, pilates, walks, yoga, are some examples. However, it is advisable to seek advice from a health professional before starting a sport.


Creating an agenda of social and cultural activities. Such as going to the movies, plays, museums, participating in recreational festivals. Attending talks of interest, or holding painting, dancing, or singing workshops, is very significant for older adults. Since these activities are positively associated with good health, good satisfaction with life, a lower level of anxiety, and stimulation of the imagination.

Programs And Workshops

Some universities offer learning spaces, for example, the “Program Adult Senior UC” of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Conducts courses, training, and workshops. Aimed at both older adults and people who work with them. On the other hand, there are many common ones that offer different workshops throughout the year. Such as theater, photography, painting, meditation, chess, pilates, and many more.

Return To A Hobby Or Hobby

Many older people have practiced an activity at some point in their lives. And with the passage of time, they have put it aside. For the same reason, returning to an old hobby, whether it be cooking, reading novels, doing crafts, writing poetry. Or others can be very beneficial for physical and emotional well-being.

Family Time

Another motivation ways feeling motivated again during old age is to carry out activities. People from the elder’s environment, or with the same hobbies. Sharing memories, going on family outings, taking care of grandchildren. Or telling stories, favors the psychological aspect in a very positive way.

Together we can promote healthy aging for our seniors! We invite you to share these tips with your family, friends, and loved ones.


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